Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)At the same time that Benjamin Grierson was making his remarkable raid through Mississippi and on to Baton Rouge, another raid took place in the opposite direction. Poorly equiped and badly scouted, Colonel Abel Sleight's raid across northern Alabama could have been successful with better scouting and being better equipt.
Robert Willett has written an interesting story based on eyewitness accounts and regimental histories. This work, which is well cited, is the only in depth work on this raid. Perhaps the most unfortunate aspect of this work is that it will not gain the attention it deserves since it was not published by an academic press or written by an academic scholar. So much the loss.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Lightning Mule Brigade: Abel Streight's 1863 Raid into Alabama
To pit the legendary Confederate cavalry leader Nathan Bedford Forrest and his veteran cavalry regiments against a rookie Union Infantry colonel and his four infantry regiments mounted on mules might seem laughable, but it turned out to be anything but. The Union Raid began with a 300 mile boat trip, then began its move toward Georgia from the Mississippi/Alabama border. Its goal was to disrupt the rail line supplying Confederate troops in Tennessee. In a textbook tactical campaign, Streight held off the veteran Forrest until exhaustion, bad luck, and poor equipment did him in. This book tells the details.
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