Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I recently added "Options for the Stock Investor" to my financial trading and investment library, hoping it would keep its promise describing it as logically written in a systematic and straightforward manner. I'm pleased to say it HASN'T DISAPPOINTED.
Unfortunately, this book hasn't received the attention it deserves among the many books devoted primarily to intermediate options traders/investors. I've always felt that options were explained in a much too "matter of fact" manner, where the most practical information is inadvertently ignored, obscured or non-existent.
Anyone trying to learn stock options is arguably bombarded by fearful information and disorganized, incomplete explanations. This short but concentrated book cuts through the many counterintuitive aspects and implicit contradictions involving stock options.
Beginners need only go to the Investopedia and similar sites on the internet to reinforce the Introduction and supplement their exposure to the language of options.
I've seen some of the worst. This book ranks highly among the best.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Options for the Stock Investor: How to Use Options to Enhance and Protect Returns
McGraw-Hill's classic options bestseller, Options for theStock Investor, has been updated to reflect changes in theoptions market. This extensively revised second edition featuresall-new material describing electronic trading, decimalization,and single stock futures, along with increasinglypopular vehicles such as stock indexes, LEAPs, and exchangetradedfunds. The CD-ROM contains all-new OP-EVAL IIsoftware, which eliminates guesswork while providing handsoninformation on spreads, position Greeks, and "what-if"forecasting and graphing features.
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