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(More customer reviews)The book is in two parts. In the first part, Steidlmayer gives some personal background and tells about how he developed the Market Profile(TM) method as well as gives some insights into why it works based on his experience. He describes points about using his methods before we really know much about what they even are. The concepts are not the usual technical analysis kinds of things. These are new (since about 1981) ways of looking at markets that are based the underlying process viewed with the help of some elementary statistical ideas. The primary concepts involve looking at the time the market spends at a price to determine value. Value is different from price. (Time seems to be a surrogate for volume but volume information was not available generally back when the methods were developed.)
In the second part of the book, Steve Hawkins attempts to explain more systematically the concepts of market profile. Some of the terminology is reasonably well explained, but the synthesis of the concepts seems to be lacking. I was not satisfied with the explanations. I felt I had to take his clues and figure out the ideas myself. I frequently found myself rereading passages two or three times to make sure I caught the ideas which were opaquely explained. I hope this is not the best explanation of Market Profile (it is the first book I have read on the topic, but I like it very well). Finally, the last chapter is pure unadulterated and unapologetic promotion of their products. I do not know anything about these, but I think I prefer CQG's graphics to their CapFlow graphics.
I would give this book five stars for originality, but only three, or maybe four stars, for clarity of explanation.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Steidlmayer on Markets: Trading with Market Profile, 2nd Edition
Proven techniques for market profile users at any levelA "market profile" presents a number of basic elements from the market in an easily understood graphic format that, when analyzed properly, can yield profitable intraday and swing trades that traditional indicators do not reveal. Steidlmayer on Markets shows readers how to find these opportunities using the innovative techniques developed by the author during his many years of trading the market. This fully updated Second Edition covers innovations in both technology and technique-and broadens the scope of "market profile" to include stocks.J. Peter Steidlmayer (Chicago, IL) joined the Chicago Board of Trade in 1963 and has been an independent trader ever since. Steidlmayer served on the Board of Directors of the Board of Trade in 1981-1983. While a director, he was responsible for initiating Market Profile and the Liquidity Data Bank. Steve Hawkins (Chicago, IL) has experience in trading in both stocks and commodities. Over the past seven years, Hawkins has educated traders across the globe. He has also collaborated on the writing of books on trading and written articles for industry trade publications. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois with a degree in economics.New technology and the advent of around the clock trading have opened the floodgates to both foreign and domestic markets. Traders need the wisdom of industry veterans and the vision of innovators in today's volatile financial marketplace. The Wiley Trading series features books by traders who have survived the market's ever changing temperament and have prospered-some by reinventing systems, others by getting back to basics. Whether a novice trader, professional or somewhere in-between, these books will provide the advice and strategies needed to prosper today and well into the future.
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