Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Difficult to read but well worth it as Sandoz allows you to enter into a world few have had the privilege to view dispelling myths and even bringing a good deal of controversy regarding long held beliefs about our Native American heros. She gives the reader the opportunity to see the beginning of the end of our first inhabitants as they learn from the white man about greed, deception and dependancy. Even though written through the 40's Sandoz depicts a world of policies and politics that parrallels that of our own world today. We should learn from our mistakes!
Click Here to see more reviews about: Crazy Horse, Third Edition: The Strange Man of the Oglalas, Third Edition
Crazy Horse, the legendary military leader of the Oglala Sioux whose personal power and social nonconformity contributed to his reputation as being "strange," fought in many famous battles, including the Little Bighorn, and held out tirelessly against the U.S. government's efforts to confine the Lakotas to reservations. Finally, in the spring of 1877 he surrendered, only to meet a violent death. More than a century later Crazy Horse continues to hold a special place in the hearts and minds of his people. Mari Sandoz offers a powerful evocation of the long-ago world and enduring spirit of Crazy Horse. Chosen as a 2007 One Book, One Nebraska selection, this edition of Crazy Horse includes discussion questions and a comprehensive glossary to enhance the reader's experience with this classic Sandoz text.
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