Hidden Treasure (Skinners of Goldfield, Book 2) Review

Hidden Treasure (Skinners of Goldfield, Book 2)
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The Skinners still dream of grape vineyards and California weather, but find themselves with a restaurant to run and friends to help in Goldfield, NV. Their very poor friends the Rokkers are featured heavily in this book, starting when Elias goes off on a goose chase for gold after spending all his paycheck for a useless map. O.T. and Fergus have a harrowing adventure looking for the lost Elias and son in a horrible blowing dust storm. Just after the Rokker family takes refuge in the cafe, a mysterious explosion causes a sinkhole to open up and swallow their entire house and all their meager possessions.
Dola Skinner is featured heavily in this book. Though still young and pretty, she is feeling old and ugly. Her physical stamina is tested in hard work, her Bible teaching and mothering skills are challenged in the town she hates. Twelve year old Rita is feeling her hormones with a new hired hand and hates working alongside the sixteen year old, shapely new hired girl. A suspenseful hunt occurs when ten old Corrie is lost for a complete day. A major surprise awaits the Rokker family. Famous visitors drop by to see the Skinners.
Dreams of California and grapevines seem a long way off, especially when the Skinners are thankful they finally have jobs, plenty of food and a sturdy roof over their heads. In addition, there are so many people to help out in the wild, greedy, lustful town of Goldfield, NV.
Book three, "Picture Rock" is bound to be a winner!

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Gold may abound in the town's mine shafts and sandy soil, but that's not where Goldfield's true treasure lies.

The Skinners do not want to be in Goldfield, Nevada. The weather is harsh. Sin is glorified. Greed is rampant. Spiritual sensitivity is scarce. And kids grow up with sand in their eyes and gold fever in their bones. The Lord, however, leads in mysterious ways, and it is clear that the Skinners can't leave just yet.

Not with O. T. having to find his friend who is out treasure-hunting in the middle of the desert.

Not with Dola Mae needing to search for a missing child and still feed dinner to 75 hungry miners.

And especially not with the Rokkers clinging to them and their faith as they face yet another struggle.

And yet as the Skinners grapple with each situation--and their own life-and-death circumstances--they are reminded of what riches they have in their faith even as they discover unexpected treasure in their Goldfield friends.

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