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(More customer reviews)I consider myself a basic option trader. Up until I read this book covered calls and cash-secured put selling were the only option strategies I used and I was doing quite well until the sub-prime mortgage debacle. After taking a substantial hit to my account I decided to try to learn how to make money in an up and down market, so I bought a few books on options and planned to advance my education. My issue was I could not get through them because they were so math heavy or so boring that it just wasn't possible to stay awake while reading. The options playbook was just the right speed and density. It explains how to set up each strategy and provides a heads up to many of the pitfalls of each play. It does it in a VERY user friendly, easy to understand format. Also, it has a ingenious spiral binding which makes it possible to lay the book flat on the desk turned to the page you need, because of this it is the only book I keep next to my computer. I use it all the time for a quick reference or just a simple sanity check before I enter my long put spreads. I do wish it had a little more detail on how to exit positions. I have found this to be an issue with my other options books, so I had to learn the old fashion way - by doing. I did some research on author and found out that he has many free archived webinars on the Chicago Board Options Exchanges site ([...]). They are an excellent follow up to the book if you want more detail on a particular strategy and I also noticed his blog is posted inside his author page.
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