Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I like this book. I've read a number of options books that go into a lot of detail without really providing a lot of information and in my opinion this book does provide good, relevant info. For example, the author provides information concerning the specifics of what he looks for in particular trades and then gives examples of making those trades. He breaks the book down into basics that are easy to understand, then moves progressively into what he looks for before entering a trade. He covers market news/data then moves into fundamental and technical analysis, then into option techniques and strategies, and then gets into option trades. From there he moves into the basic option trades (puts/calls/spreads) and then moves into more advanced techniques. Throughout the book he provides "trader tips" that are small summaries or tips that enhance the areas just covered. He devotes more of the book to the basics than the advanced techniques so I would recommend it for the less advanced trader who is looking to get into options trading. My advice for the new trader though would be to walk before you run. Study the book and become totally familiar with the concepts before trading with real money. All in all I have enjoyed the book.
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