Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Despite years in the market I had never heard of the Underground Trader or Jea Yu before buying this book. I must say I was pleasantly surprised. It is written by somebody that has clearly been in the trading trenches. Trading Full Circle is packed with information from cover to cover. You get the feeling that the author is not holding anything back. The book is mostly about day trading but the basic methodology can be applied to all time frames.
Although well written, it's not always an easy book to digest. Even with my experience I found that I had to read and reread some sections to understand what was going on. It would be tough read for beginners but the first two chapters (Starting with Failure and What is the "Edge") should be a must read for all traders. If you are a beginner and can get through the book and truly understand what Yu is saying, the book it will save you many headaches and many dollars.
The one criticism I would have is that Yu uses terminology early in the book that means nothing unless you are familiar with the terminology of his system. I kept hearing the term "Pup's". I finally had to stop my reading and study the section later in the book to understand what "Pup's" and some other terminology are. To Yu's credit, he does provide a Glossary in the back.
The general methodology of the UndergroundTrader System isn't unique but the way the methodology is used and the detail given in the book makes "Trading Full Circle" a top tier trading book. Also, don't miss the three Appendix sections in the back of the book. All are excellent. One is written by Suri Duddella, whom I've heard speak. He's one of the top experts in pattern trading.
"Trading Full Circle" is not cheap but clearly in this case, you get more than what you pay for.
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