Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)This is one of the best books I have ever read. It is also one of the most useful books I have ever read. I have traded futures for a couple years now and in the past 3 months I have decided to try to pick up my game. I have read Reminiscenses of a Stock Operator, Market Wizards, the New Market Wizards, High Probability Trading, and a few others. I am nearly finished reading Trading in the Zone by Douglas (a great book). I bought all of these from Amazon.com based on the reviews I have read here. I have learned much from all of these books and recommend all of them without reservation.
"The Way of the Warrior-Trader", however, is definitely unique. And I don't mean that it is simply an interesting novelty, it is much, much deeper than that. This book transcends trading and yet, at the same time, I think it is a more pertinent book for most traders than all of the above (in my opinion Trading in the Zone is equal to this book for traders, but it has a narrower focus). The other books tell you how others succeeded, but this book prepares YOU to enter the fray with the proper motivation and battlefield psychology.
PLEASE don't think this is just another mushy self-help, positive thinking book. Far from it, this is a reality-based, purpose-driven book that prepares you for the dangers and potential rewards that lie ahead. He eschews the typical shallow and covetous motivational approach, and takes a much deeper and much more effective "way". One that will not sound like every other "Retire rich in 3 years!!" book that you will forget 30 seconds after you finish the book.
This book is about more than trading, it is about risk-taking in general, be it financial, personal, physical, emotional, etc. If you have a dangerous or challenging job or are facing a challenging situation in life, I would not hesitate for a second to recommend this book. It is really that good. Just the "A" in "A.CT.I.O.N." alone has changed my entire approach and outlook to trading and others issues in my life. Very similar to Trading in the Zone, but from another angle.
This book does not appeal to your longing for riches or "lottery ticket" dreams, rather, it appeals to human issues that are much deeper and more enduring. You will find yourself motivated on a different and higher level, and this new motivation will be of a more permanent nature. I am what many of you would call a fundamentalist, right-wing, Bible-thumping Christian, yet, I was able to pass by some of McCall's Eastern religious views because I was moved by his message and his encouraging approach. Very much the approach of a kind and attentive instructor gently leading his pupils to a new way. Irrespective of my ultimate success or failure as a trader, I have gained much from this book that I can use in many other areas of my life. I highly recommend it.
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