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(More customer reviews)This cocktail book contains the absolute best recipes! The original Mai Tai is a dull lifeless drink created for tourist-types and girly drink lovers. But, the recipes in this book are awesomely amazing and THE BEST. Tiki people around the world are raving about the newest cocktails which she has created. I have now made about half of them and find that the drinks are amazing if you double or triple the amount of rum that she says to add. In one drink, I can't remember which one, she says to use 1 1/2 ounce of rum. I found that if you use about 8 oz. of rum that the drink is way better. In fact, I use this amount in all of her recipes.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The New-Wave Mai Tai
Sit back and savor the taste of the tropics with The New Wave Mai Tai. Learn about the rich history of rum, the principal ingredient in the mai tai. Delve into the origins of the mai tai and hear both sides of the eternal debate: Who created the quintessential Island libation - Don the Beachcomber or Trader Vic? In addition, this colorful book contains over 50 recipes for new twists on the old classic: try a Mai Tai-Jito, a Sassy Wahine or a Smooth Shredder. These creative cocktails go beyond what either Don the Beachcomber or Trader Vic could ever have imagined.
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