Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)If you were trading profitable would you read books about online trading?
So if you are interested in buying books about this topic then we can suggest that you're a beginning or a losing trader. As a beginner I'd prefer reading another book which focuses on the basics (like Elder's classic "Trading for a Living"). If you are in the markets for several months already and you think you might belong to the 90% losing traders then this book is for you. For all the Dollars lost in the markets you'd be stupid to save your cash on this book. I've read many great books about trading online. And this one belongs to my favorite. No book will make you trade profitably and no book is a substistute for experience. But some books including this one will help you make big steps forward.
Many books I've read about online or day trading were written by Nasdaq market makers. All in all they were all telling you the same about cutting losses etc. What makes this one outstanding is the use of those cunning and witty metaphors by the authors. I remember my first major loss, I was almost crying and doubting my existence. But when I read the very first pages of this book which were covering just my mischief I burst out laughing. One might think the author's trying to insult or making fun of the trading crowd out there calling us "stupids" or "schmoes". But he's not. He experienced the same I did. And many of you were experiencing severe losses too.
Losing is a learning process. Why crying about your losses when you can laugh and get your lessons by just reading this book. You really should do. -- Five Stars!!
Okay, I leave the review above from June 2001 as it was.
Five years and some books on trading later I have to add that this and all other books from the Wiley Online Trading for a Living series are mainly written for beginning traders. They're not bad at all and you really don't waste your money on them.
Technical Trading Online still belongs to my favorites. However it lacks in details. I must admit that I rather read it for the laughs. Although the author finds some serious words at the end of the book. Trading IS a serious profession.
Today, when it comes to books that hammer and engrave their messages into my brain, I like to recommend Vadym Graifer's Techniques of Tape Reading and John Carter's Mastering the Trade which is a very fine book (and doesn't lack of wits either). These two books are not for beginners as they require common knowledge in technical analysis (like candles, trends or averages...). A great book on this basic knowledge is Steven Achelis' Technical Analysis from A to Z.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Technical Trading Online (Wiley Online Trading for a Living Series)
The four golden rules of trading in one invaluable bookHere is the first online trading book to present a detailed approach to using technical analysis online in the real world of stock trading for any trader, regardless of his or her strategy. Using a comprehensive trading model that can be modified to meet the individual trader's needs, this professionally crafted advice will make a pro out of anyone. Also included is a reference to the next online resources for charting.
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