Peculiar Institution: Slavery in the Ante-Bellum South Review

Peculiar Institution: Slavery in the Ante-Bellum South
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Stampp's aim in writing this book was not to provide the complete and comprehensive last word on the subject of the American enslavement of Africans and their American descendents, nor to empathize with the oppressed slaves, nor to apologize for slavery, nor to echo the "voices" of slaves, nor to place it in the context of slavery around the world throughout human history (all of which are worthy topics which have been (and continue to be) addressed by other historians.
Stampp's aim was to provide information lacking (in 1955, and still scant fifty years later) as to the nature of the institution itself, AS an American institution (which it certainly was up until its final (and sloppily inefficient) dismantling beginning 1863 (in the midst of the civil war). The "Peculiar" Insitution (so dubbed by slave owners themselves, in secret (and embarrassed) acknowledgement of the sheer hypocrisyof this institution. Stampp does not attack the morality of slavery, nor does he "witness" the evils of slavery through statements of slaves or abolitionists (he is not writing a polemic); instead he provides us with something far more useful: empirical data on just what the institution was, how it worked, what its practices were and what putative justifications were offered by its proponents for its existence and nature. In doing so, Stampp gives his readers a far more damning criticism of slavery than any other writer I have encountered since reading Stampp's book for a high school history class in 1969. Stampp expertly strips the subject of the emotion and bias (on both sides) that has obscured the facts (history is distinct from myth and propaganda to the extent that it is about *facts* assembled through valid inferences) about slavery.
Some trite but persisting claims about slavery debunked by Stampp are:
(1) the myth that all (or even a majority) of Southern whites owned slaves. [A white family had to be fairly well off even to afford owning even one slave; a huge proportion of whites were scarcely better off financially or in terms of workload than were many slaves.]
(2) the myth that the institution of slavery was in fact predicated upon "bettering" the lot of Africans, or even "taking care of them"(the view that blacks were incurably biologically, poltically, socially or otherwise "inferior" to whites. [Even thoough these arguments for various policies concerning the treatment of slaves were often argued by defenders of the Peculiar Institution, the facts of the actual practice of slave belie both of these claims. Adding up the actual "benefits" slaveowners offered blacks, the fact is that blacks were not subjected to any sort of "improvement". (Bible study, as Mark Twain -- still a key observer of the *realities* of slavery! -- served to entertain and enculturate slaves -- even subjugate them as a "lower class", NOT as moral or social improvement. Policies (actual practices, whatever the rhetoric) toward slaves did NOT lead towards freedom or citizenship at all. (Facts may be cold, as one review pointed out -- but they tend to outweigh rhetoric or sentiment) -- and they are far harder to dismiss or impeach. ]
(3) in connnection with (2), Stampp's collection of data belies the claim that the typical slaveowner had any education or insight into the "care and feeding" -- much less mental and moral development -- of Africans. The chapter on the theory and practice of diet and health as applied to slaves alone (a section guaranteed to make the reader physically queasy) says more about not only the awfulness of the institution slavery, but the incredible -- beyond incredible -- ignorance and poor (one could say "inferior") judgment of slave owners. The myth that slaves were "bred" (or even captured or bought (usually bought) in Africa) and "fed" and cared for with even the insight one needed to raise cattle is dispelled by Stampp. An typcial African in Africa, left to fend for his food and health in "the uncivilized jungles" of the "dark continent" stood a far bettter chance of living healthily and to a ripe age than the typical American slave (I am not even considering the most highly exploited slaves of the very deep south (or in the "island") who were literally worked to death -- even "well treated slaves" were raised and fed and cared in compliance with white superstituions that rivaled any African mystical practices.
(4) One of the biggest myths addressed by Stampp is the myth that the slave economy was even a viable alternative to free enterprise (even in the most rudimentary and primitive sense of 'free enterprise' in which the free worker struggled to get work, do work, and earn enough to stay alive. Even if one writes off slaves as having absolutely NO value whatsoever as human beings to society (a direct and flagrant contradiction to the claims of pro-slave moralists -- but that's one of the many "peculiarities" of the Peculiar Institution!) Stampp provide data to show that as far as economic develop in America was concerned, slavery could be considered at best a poor alternative to other economic systems (not only "free enterprise, but even to "utopian closed-and-regulated societies, of which there were many then as now), a crutch to be abandoned at the earliest opportunity possible, not a "way of life", even for white slave owners, much less poor whites (who did NOT benefit from slavery economically, and only generated a sort of class resentment against African-American slaves.)
And there are plenty of other insights to be found in this half-century-old book that make it still worth purchasing and reading. This book is rich with balanced, documented facts -- conspicuously missing or undervalued in today's "subjective viewpoint historian" arguments. A subjective viewpoint -- even one as twisted as that of the advocates and defenders of "the Peculiar Institution" -- is not easily or effective refuted by another subjective viewpoint. Facts speak for themselves, and Stampp does an excellent job of providing facts which completely undermine the romantic notions (pro and con) of slavery, and showe it for what it was, an inept, ill-conceived, irrational, contradictory, absurd, manifestly unproductive and unfair institution which, if subject to the sort of review institutions these days are accountable to, would never have passed the initial blueprint stage.
Two final comments:
(1) RE comments other reviewers have made about this book. The use of the word "negro" (critized by one reviewer as antiquated) in Stampp's 1955 preface, was NOT antiquated in 1955, but a term accepted (even preferred) by most African Americans. Given Stampp's meaning and use of the term, it is still acceptable by all but those persons (of any race) who can some how manage to read through the account of one of the most unbelievably sickening, savage and idiotic institutions in human history and only take offense at the use of the term "negro", and at a writer who has portrayed a remarkably faithful, accurate, insightful and *useful* look at "the land of the free" 's most infamous institution, the negative effects of which we (all of us) still feel today.
(2) For the would-be reader still not convinced a book of this nature (neither a polemic now an apology, but an empirically based handbook on the pathology of slavery) is good or useful, I highly recommend this book as a useful good in examining the claims of modern-day oppressors (a large number, even if one restricts one's scope to the continent of Africa and the mid-East alone(!) ) that their nations or subcultures are "for the greater good", despite their differences from present-day American "culture". Stampp's book provides a methodology for evaluating such spurious claims the would-be sociologist, political scientist, anthropologist or other "critic" of contemporary human culture is seriously and truthfully and conscientiously attempting to evaluate.

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