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(More customer reviews)The book is about a medical doctor who was in the army and was posted to various posts throughout the Southwest. In particular, he was posted to a number of posts in the New Mexico territory in the 1860s or so. It was very interesting to read his "reviews/comments" on the posts and what life was like to the residents. It ended up with him bringing his wife and daughter out to one of the posts. His daughter died from some reason, was put into a metal casket and taken back to the mid-west.
The book was initally (1918) published in a fairly limited edition. I never though I'd ever be able to read it.
I first heard about the book from a column written by Historian Marc Simmons (in The Santa Fe New Mexican and the Socorro El Defensor Chieftain and other papers over time). He explored the "contents" of the most interesting parts with the empahsis on New Mexico.
As I said, I never though I'd ever be able to read the original. I idly went on line to AMAZON and wanted to see if the orginal was available, and for how much. Imagnine my surprise when the re-print popped up -- I immedately bought it. When it came, I immediately began reading it and stayed up until the wee hours to finish it. It was very interesting!
I highly recommend the book to anyone who is interested in Southwestern history, especially New Mexcio.
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