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(More customer reviews)Ms. Davis might not stretch to say traders are saviors but she almost deifies them with her genuinely affectionate portrayals here. She's intent on redeeming the profession (as if it needs redeeming--it doesn't), which she imagines the Average Joe scorns and vilifies. I bet the Average Joe pays little attention to hyperactive market makers, compared to the time spent fretting over his or her own investments. Still, Ms. Davis assures us that for every rogue trader like Nick Leeson (who brought down the British Bank, Barings) or Mike Milken (wait, Mike is NOT a crook, she corrects, notwithstanding the criminal charges), there are scads of other, brilliant, hardworking people--possessed of traits you and I could only wish to have--who lubricate the capital markets and provide the fuel for growth. In other words, she's a proselytizing apologist: by compensating she overstates. If you're not in the financial business, you might find this breezy book an acceptable companion at martini time, if you're someone who will gaze in amazement at the hue of a cocktail olive. She's oddly cozy and deferential with her subjects, like a mistress. More like it, the traders are friends whom she has no desire to offend, or perhaps she plans to approach them for future employment. The trouble is, the topic cries out for a critical eye. For those who take investments seriously the text is a great failure, totally lacking in specifics, or even anecdotes that might illuminate. Imagine a cook book that attempts to describe the taste of the recipes without listing any ingredients and you'll understand the problem with "A Million A Minute." Ms. Davis, your readers can take more. A truly entertaining book (and with more meat) is Michael Lewis' "Liar's Poker" and "Pit Bull" by Martin Schwartz. Mr. Schwartz, especially, is a man who has traded for years, who can share his secrets (successes and failures) and who can live to tell about it!
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