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(More customer reviews)This book will take a simple approach in introducing the benefits of trading options on stocks. No matter what your experience level may be with the stock market, you will come away with excellent tools that will allow you to become a 'Complete Trader'. This book will take the investor through a step by step process of how to decide which options to purchase, when to get in and when to get out. With the support of the web site in conjunction with this book, the doors are opened for a very profitable future by following the information provided. A must read for anybody wanting to learn to make profitable trades and think like the professional traders!
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Beginners Guide to Becoming a CompleteTrader - Trading Stock Options
This guide teaches the beginning investor the basics oftrading stock options. Written in plain English, it is easy tounderstand and takes the reader from what a stock options is, to howto actually make their first trade.You'll discover: how to pick out the options that going up quickly;when an inexpensive option is really overpriced; what time value,delta and other terms really mean and how to use thatinformation...and more.The guide also has an optional web site thatis used to teach beginning investors how to pick out stocks to tradeoptions on.
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