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(More customer reviews)Time Traders III (2002) is the third SF omnibus edition of the Time Traders series, including Echoes in Time and Atlantis Endgame. These novels are set in the near future when the Russians have joined with the Americans within Project Star, the secret time travel organization.
In these novels, Ross Murdock is a time agent in Project Star. He had been a thief before he was forced into the project. Now he is a dedicated and willing member of the team.
Eveleen Riordan Murdock is Ross's wife. She is a martial arts expert, who had taught Ross much of his skill in unarmed combat. Now she is a time agent and a partner in the time team.
Gordon Ashe is a former archaeologist and now is a time agent. He has been partnered with Ross since the beginning of their relationship. He now has a new partner.
Echoes in Time (1999) is the sixth SF novel in this series. The Russians have lost a team in the past. They had been allocated the trip tape to the planet where Gordon, Ross and Case Renfry were taken by a suddenly activated starship. When the Russians landed on the planet and sent a team back in time, the team disappeared. They did find the remains of the biologist, but the others were just gone.
The Russians ask for help from the Americans in recovering their lost teammates. Ross and Eveleen get called back from their honeymoon to assist the Russian agents. They meet Colonel Vasilyeva and learn about the lost time team. Then they meet Saba Mariam, Gordon's new partner.
Since the Russians had lost dearly in the Baldie raids on their time stations, the Americans provide much of the equipment for the foray. It is transported to Russia for loading on their starship. Meanwhile, everyone studies the language tapes made by the missing linguist.
When all the equipment is collected, the expedition leaves for Russia. There they board the starship and then take off to the planet where the Russian time team had disappeared. On the way, the Americans and Russians get further acquainted while studying the new language.
On the alien planet, they setup the time transfer device and eight of the expedition travel back to a time about a century after the First Team disappeared. The rest of the expedition guard the starship and continue searching for additional remains.
Atlantis Endgame (2002) is the seventh novel in this series. Linnea Edel has found an anachronistic earring with a modern jeweler's mark in a site on Thera, the probable location of legendary ancient Atlantis. While interesting in and of itself, it becomes extremely intriguing when found to be identical to an earring belonging to Eveleen.
The existence of this object in ancient layers of soil suggests that it was lost circa 1628 BC, shortly before the island was destroyed by an huge volcanic eruption. The Project suspects Baldie intervention in the eruption and intends to send a team back in time to investigate. The Russian time travel group cooperates with the Project to send a small ship with six agents aboard back to Kalliste, the ancient name of Thera before the eruption.
From there, they travel to Akrotiri -- the major town on the island -- where they discover signs of Baldie tech in the volcano vents both on land and in the sea. Later a group of Baldies are seen on the beach, apparently looking for indications of THEM. They also find a Baldie ship in the sea, but can't locate the Baldie onshore base. They do find a couple of Fur Faces, a alien sentient species encountered only once before; however, they do not seem to be allies of the Baldies.
The natives are anxiously awaiting word from their oracle, but nothing new has been spoken in the past few months. Some Kallistans have left the island anyway, terrified by the frequent earthquakes and the steam, smoke, ash and rock ejected by the volcano. Linnea claims to be an Egyptian Earth-Goddess priestess to infiltrate the Oracle's household and is there when the seer orders the evacuation of the island.
Recommended for Norton fans and for anyone else who enjoys tales of time travel, alien societies and ancient cultures. For those who have not previously read this series, the initial volume is The Time Traders.
-Arthur W. Jordin
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